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January 06, 2017

Thompson Statement on Intelligence Community Report

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the report released by the Intelligence Community on Russian interference in the presidential election (“Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”).

“The report out today presents direct evidence that the Russian government, on orders from President Putin, carried out a cyber campaign to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election and did so with clear motives.  For the good of our nation, the President-elect needs to consider the extensive information gathered by the Intelligence Committee in a sober and responsible manner.  It is stunning – and quite shameful – that the President-elect has instead put his energy towards impugning the Intelligence Community he will soon be overseeing with no evidence to back up his outrageous claims.”

“The Russian hack was, at its core, an attempt to delegitimize our democracy.  The President-elect risks giving the Russians what they want by maligning a critical segment of our national security apparatus. Instead of attacking the messenger, the President-elect should be commending the hard-working men and women who collect intelligence, often putting themselves in harm’s way.  This report answers initial questions about how the Russians carried out its hacking and leaking campaign but, for the integrity of our electoral system, there must be an independent, bipartisan commission dedicated to fully investigate this matter.”  


Jan. 6 press release on re-introduction of the Protecting Our Democracy Act to establish commission

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